The Spheres are back…well almost

Last evening, after much fussing with the WordPress Gallery I was able to bring back the Spheres. At least most of them. It may take a few more days.

For those that haven’t the slightest clue as to what I’m referring to, just take a look. The long and the short of it is , its a collection of user supplied images, most often digitally created of, you guessed it, Spheres! One might ask, WHY? And the simplest answer I can give you is its a nice simple canvas to display creativity. Restrictive you might say, nah, it s ripe with possibilities and at the same time you end up with a nice set of cohesive imagery.

So that being said, if you feel creative, submit your own! It can be CG, painted, photography the sky is the limit, Just email me. If its remarkable Ill post it.

Michael at morphographic dot com


P.S. Joana Garrido’s Fugu images are still amongst my favorite submissions, nice work!

Digging Through the Rubble

Last night I spent a bit of time digging through the remains of the old site, long forgotten hard drives and under rocks to start finding some of the content that Ive ignored for so long. Ive put together a few images for the front page and if I get a bit of time today I may try to get the Gallery up and running. The sites a moving wreck as I stumble around WordPress. Who knows I might even get to like this thing.


Back From The Dead!

Lets see, I haven’t really touched my site in about six years and where as I know this happens to busy people it still seems awful. That being said I’m working hard to get everything back into some sense or shape over the next few weeks. Please bare with, as I stumble my way through learning a bit of wordpress.



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